If your business has a new product or service or you’re running a promotion on existing lines, you have the right to be excited and want to share the news. A short targeted email campaign is a perfectly legitimate way to spread awareness. Just don’t fall into the trap of spamming your customers!
Clients on one of RWD’s website packages have the option of purchasing a Complete Digital Marketing add-on. Included within that service is access to the expertise of our designers and copywriters who can assist you in the production of an effective email campaign. We’ve learned a trick or two over the years we’ve been working on client’s email campaigns, and we’re always happy to share our wisdom. Here are some of the basics.
Identify Your Target
It is a good habit to maintain a GDPR compliant list of people who have used or shown interest in your products or services. Under data protection law, contact details shared with you for other purposes may not be used for marketing. One way to start building a data protection compliant list of contacts is to include on your website an invitation to sign up to receive company news and promotional offers.
Persuasive Copy
An email is only an effective marketing tool if it is opened and read by the person with the power to take the action that you are calling for. Each email’s Subject Line should entice the recipient to open the email. And the email content should encourage them to take an action beneficial to your business. There’s no need to resort to bribery and clickbait: if your target audience is composed of people who have shown interest in your products and services and your email references promotional news about your products and services that should be sufficient.
Different Angles
We think it is worth sending a few emails over the course of a few weeks, each promoting a different angle or offering a new reason to engage with your business. Different approaches will work for different potential customers, and there might be times of the month when a person is more likely to engage (e.g. just after payday rather than just before when money is tighter!)
A Spammer in the Works
Email marketing can verge into spamming territory when a company follows any of these (mal)practices:
- Sending high volumes of the same email to the same list of recipients multiple times.
- Failing to remove people who have requested to be unsubscribed from your mailing list.
- Compiling (or buying) lists of recipients that haven’t consented to receive marketing emails from your company.
- Emailing customers who gave you their email for another purpose (e.g. to contact them about shipping arrangements for a previous purchase).
RWD’s Approach
Clients who have purchased our Complete Digital Marketing add-on can use our experienced team to draft and design effective emails aimed at encouraging engagement with your business.
In the first instance, we tend to use short attention grabbing emails designed and sent through specialist bulk emailers such as MailChimp and ZoHo. These companies provide us with statistics that show who has interacted with the email. We use this information to choose who is deserving of a more tailored and personal follow up email.
If you would like to chat to RWD about a website package or upgrading your existing package to include Complete Digital Marketing services, give us a call on 01603 632552 or email info@rwd.group.